Parks and Recreation Commission

The Commission guides the development of park and recreation services for public use, studies the needs of facilities and activities, and reports them with estimated costs to City Council for final consideration.

The Parks and Recreation Commission meets the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 PM at Incubizo

Monthly meetings

The Parks and Recreation Commission meets the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 PM at the Ferndale Parks and Recreation office located at



1938 Burdette St.

Ferndale, MI 48220. 


All meetings are open to the public and are given a designated time for public comment. 


Looking for a way to get involved in your city? Our Parks and Recreation Department relies on volunteers to help make our events and programming successful. Volunteer opportunities include coaching a variety of youth sports teams, running games and activities during special events, and assisting with event setup and cleanup. Many commitments are only a few hours at a time. Sign up here to be added to our roster and informed of volunteer opportunities:

Parks Planning and Development


The 2022-2027 Ferndale Parks and Recreation Plan is an update of the City of Ferndale’s previous Parks and Recreation Plan and an extension of the City of Ferndale Master Plan. This Parks and Recreation Plan carries the overarching open space strategy forward to guide the specifics of planning, developing, programming, and sustaining the City’s recreation, land, and facilities. This plan update to the 2017-2021 plan is expected to be amended in 2022 to fully capture the alignment with the Plan Ferndale Master Plan and Climate Action Plan. View the full plan here.


Plan Ferndale

Plan Ferndale is a guidebook for Ferndale’s decision-makers based on the community’s unified vision of the future of our City. Plan Ferndale provides actionable steps and helps officials decide how to direct City funding, what initiatives to take on, and tangible goals and milestones for the next five years. This update has three main components, including the Master Land Use Plan (MLUP), the Climate Action Plan, and the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. View the full plan here.