
Ferndale is a city made special by entrepreneurs and the industries they represent. Our businesses have local roots with regional and global reach, from salsa to spirits, skilled trades, stylists, software, and beyond. Find out more or join our community of intrepid doers, thinkers, makers, creators, and collaborators.

Featured Resource

Guide to Development

From opening a business to building a fence, we have a complete guide to the City's planning, building, and development processes. 

Featured Resource


Environment, society, and economy: these three elements drive Ferndale's long-term planning and decision-making, ensuring that sustainability is incorporated into every municipal function.

Business FAQs

For additional questions, contact the Community and Economic Development Department at 248-546-2363 Ext. 109.

Does the City offer parking permits for my business and staff?

Yes! ParkFerndale offers several discounted permits for local business owners and staff to make parking easier and more cost-effective. Visit ParkFerndale to learn more.