
The City of Ferndale uses sustainability as a foundational planning tool, ensuring equity among the environment, society, and economy. These three elements drive sustainability in the City's long-term planning and decision-making, ensuring that sustainability is thoughtfully programmed into each municipal function.

Zero Waste

The concept of a “zero waste city” includes a 100 percent recycling rate and recovery of all resources from waste materials. The zero-waste design principle goes beyond recycling to focus first on reducing wastes and reusing products and then recycling and composting the rest. This is part of the circular economy.



300 E. Nine Mile Rd. Ferndale, MI 48220


Sustainability Initiatives

Over the last several years, the City of Ferndale has integrated several practices and policies to respond to the growing concern of our climate crisis. Responding to the climate crisis requires a variety of approaches which include ways to reduce or prevent greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation) and ways to prepare and respond to hazardous events caused by climate change (resiliency).